Claude Davost

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Claude Davost, dit de Troyes
Printer in Lyon, 1502–1518


Frequently worked for E. Gueynard, J. Huguetan or S. Vincent.

S. Von Gültlingen, t. ii (BBA 141), 15–
Compartment (295 x 205 mm) in 4 sections, signed A (= ‘Avost’?), 1506.
Name Size Dates Notes
T19 105 1510
T4 250 1506
Rot82B 60 1504–1505
Rot82A 57 1506–1509
Rot74 65 1508–1510
Rot67C 66 1508–1509
Rot66 67 1505–1510
Rot59 75 1506
Rot43 80 1510
Rot51 83 1505–1510
Rot45? 82 1508-1509
Rot34 92 1508
Rot29 105 1508–1509
Rot24 118 1504–1509
Rot25 120 1506
Rot16 130 1598–1509
Rot3 170 1506–1510
B4 93 1506, 1509
Music 1508 13 mm stave, 3 mm neums
Size Dates
12 mm 1505–1510
17 mm 1504–1510
19 mm 1505–1510
29 mm 1504–1510
39 mm 1505–1506
45 mm 1505
50 mm 1504

The following books were printed by Claude Davost in Lyon

30 May 1504
Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico, -1540.
Aureum opus de veritate contritionis.
[Lyon]: Venundantur lugduni ab Stephano Gueynart. [Colophon:] Lugdun. impressum: per Claudium dauost alias de troyes: expensis Stephani gueynart. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo quarto. Die vero penultima maij [1504].
8°: a–z & A–D⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]C.125.aa.5.
9 April 1505
Biblia cum summarijs: concordantijs: diuisionibus: ...
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugdun. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressit Claudius Dauost alias de Troyes. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo quinto. Die vero nono Aprilis [1505].
4°: a–z A–Z Aa–Bb aa–dd⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]1408.l.14.
28 April 1505
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 480-524.
[De consolatione philosophica.]
Duplex commentatio ex integro reposita atque recognita in Boetium: seu Boethum mauis: de consolatione philosophica & disciplina scolastica.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum est Lugduni per Claudium dauost alias de Troys, Anno .M.ccccc.v. xxviij. die Aprilis [1505].
4°: a–f⁸ g⁴ h–i⁸ k⁴ l–n⁸ o⁴ p–q⁸ r⁴ s⁸ t⁴; A⁸ B⁴ C–D⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record]C.175.h.8.
Gilles, de Corbeil, active 1200.
Carmina de vrinarum iudicijs edita a magistro Egidio.
[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost?], [1505–1510].
8°: [sig. A only].
Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record]1070.d.30 (sig. A only in a copy of another edition)
25 June 1506
Grütsch, Johann, 1420-1470.
Sermones quadragesimales fratris Iohannis Gritsch.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugd. per Ioannem Huguetan. [Colophon:] Impressum correctius Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. pro Iohanne huguetan. M.cccccvi. die vero xxv. mensis Iunij [1506].
4°: a⁸ b¹⁰ c–f⁸ g¹⁰ h–z A–G⁸ H⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Jean Huguetan.
[View full record]C.66.e.6.
14 November 1506
[Rudimentum noviciorum. French.]
La mer des hystoires.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Imprime a lyon par Claude dauost alias de troye, pour maistre iehan dyamantier. Lan mil cinq cens & six le .xiiiie. iour de nouembre [1506].
2°: ã⁶ ãã⁴ a–z aa–mm⁶; A–X AA–GG⁶ HH–II⁴ AAA–CCC⁶ DDD⁴ &⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Jean Diamentier.
[View full record]1309.l.5 (lacks AAA–DDD)
Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.
[Libelli duo.]
Index librorum in hoc volumine contentorum. Domini Symphoriani Champerij ... Libelli duo. Primus de medicine claris scriptoribus ... Secundus de legum diuinarum conditoribus.
[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost, for E. Gueynard], [1506].
8°: ⁶ a–f⁸ g¹⁰; aa–cc A–C⁸; AA AAA–CCC⁸ DDD⁴; aaa–ccc⁸ ddd⁴.
Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record]232.e.29(1,3) (imperfect)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Marc. Tull. Cice. opera de officijs.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard [and S. Vincent; pr. by C. Davost], [c. 1507].
4°: AA a–y⁸ z⁴ A–K⁸ L¹⁰.
Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard and Simon Vincent with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record]720.k.9.
28 February 1508
Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.
[De triplici disciplina.]
Simphoriani champerij de triplici disciplina.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. expensis Simonis vincentij: arte & industria Claudij dauost alias de Troys. Anno .M.ccccc. viij. finitum pridie kal. martij [1508].
8°: A–C a–n aa–nn⁸ oo⁴ aaa–fff⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record]232.e.29(2) (misbound; lacks a–n)
18 May 1508
Natalibus, Petrus de, active 1370-1400.
Catalogus sanctorum & gestorum eorum ... editus a ... Petro de Natalibus.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Lugduni impressum per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno millesimo quingentesimooctauo. xv. kalendas Iunij [1508].
4°: π⁴ a–z & A–S⁸ T⁴.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]485.d.15.
10 January 1509
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.
Liber floreti in quo flores omnium virtutum & detestationes vitiorum metrice continentur.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Iacobo huguetan. [Colophon:] Anno Millesimo .ccccc. ix. die .x. mensis Ianuarij. Impressum Lugduni [pr. by C. Davost], [1509].
4°: a–z⁸ &⁶.
Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost for Jacques Huguetan.
[View full record]1412.f.35. (lacks &6 (blank?))
13 February 1509
[Liturgies. Missals. Rome.]
Missale scdm ritum sancte Romane ecclesie .
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni arte Claudij dauost alias de Troye. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno millesimo quingentesimo octauo die .xiij. mensis Februarij [1508 (1509 n.s.?)].
4°: aa–bb a–z A–G⁸ H⁴.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]C.35.h.4.
16 April 1509
Horborch, Guillelmus, active 1373-1381.
Decisiones rote Noue & Antique.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impresse Lugdun. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani Gueynard. Anno Millesimo quingentesimonono. xvi. kal. maij [1509].
4°: aa¹⁰ a–o⁸ p⁶ q–z & ʔ A–M⁸ N⁴ AA¹⁰.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]706.l.17.
30 October 1509
Bertucci, Niccolò, -1347.
Nusquam antea impressum collectorium totius fere medicine Bertrucij Bononiensis.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Bartholomei trote. Anno M.cccccix. tertio kal. Nouembris [1509].
4°: AA⁴ a–z A–H⁸ I⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record]544.f.17.
13 November 1509
Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.
Le triumphe du treschrestien Roy de France .xij. de ce nom.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Lyon par Claude dauost aultrement dict de troys. le .xiii. iour du moys de nouembre. Lan mil cinq cens et neuf [1509].
4°: a–h⁴ i².
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost.
[View full record]C.118.c.17.
17 April 1510
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.
[Metamorphoses. Paraphrase.]
P. Ouidij Nasonis Metamorphoseos libri moralizati.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugd. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum fuit Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani Gueynard. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo .xv. kal. Maij [1510].
4°: a⁶ b–z A–E⁸ F⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]654.c.17.
27 April 1510
[Liturgies. Missals. Lyon.]
Missale ad vsum lugdunen. ecclesie.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Iohanne Huguetan. [Colophon:] Impressum per Claudium dauost: alias de Troyes. Anno M.ccccc. decimo. Die. xxvi mensis Aprilis. [1510].
4°: ¹⁰ a–i⁸ k¹⁰ l–z & ʔ⁸ ꝝ⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Jean Huguetan and Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]C.52.c.11.
2 July 1510
Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153.
Liber nomine floretus a sancto bernardo clareuallis metrice accumulatus.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo vero secunda mensis Iulij [pr. by C. Davost?], 1510.
4°: a–c⁸ d⁴ e–g⁸ h⁴ i–n⁸ o⁴ p–s⁸.
Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record]1413.h.8.
29 July 1510
Ludolf, von Sachsen, approximately 1300-1377 or 1378.
Vita Iesu christi domini ac saluatoris ... collecta per Ludolphum de Saxonia.
[Lyon]: Venundatur Lugdu. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] rursus Lugd. coimpressa a Claudio dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno quingentesimo decimo: quarto kl. augusti [1510].
4°: πa⁸ πb⁴ a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–X AA–EE⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record]3834.b.17.
Corvo, Andrea.
[Chiromantia. French.]
Lart de chyromance de ... maistre andrieu corum ... translatee de latin en francoys. Par maistre Iehan de verdellay.
[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost?], [c. 1510].
8°: A–M⁸.
Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record]8631.a.20 (imperfect)

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