Nicolas Crespin

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Bookseller in Paris, 1512–1529
n.d. : e regione collegii Coquereti, sub signo Lunae tripliciter crescentis (rue Chartière, at the sign of the Three Crescents)
n.d. : e regione collegii Coquereti, sub signo diui Sebastiani (near the collège de Coqueret, at the sign of St Sebastian)
1512–1515 : prope beatum Hilarium, sub signo Cothurnicis (near St Hilaire, at the sign of the Quail)
1518– : prope diuum Hilarium, sub signo beatae Catharinae (near St Hilaire, at the sign of St Catherine)
Renouard, Répertoire, p. 100–101
BnF Data: Nicolas Crespin
Renouard 215


The following printers produced books financed by or in partnership with Nicolas Crespin



The following books were printed for Nicolas Crespin