Antoine Du Ry

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Antoine Du Ry
Printer in Lyon, 1516–1533

Imprimeur, libraire

Du Ry was active as a bookseller before starting printing in 1516.

S. Von Gültlingen, t. iii (BBA 147), 175–
BnF Data: Antoine Du Ry
Silvestre 1276 1519
Name Size Dates Notes
Rot82B 59 1516–1518
Rot76 67 1517
Rot53 77 1516–1518
Rot50? 83 1517
Rot10 165 1516–1518
Size Dates
12 mm 1518
14 mm 1516–1517
17 mm 1516–1518
21 mm 1516–1518
38 mm 1516
45 mm 1517
None (quire catchwords in 1517).

The following books were printed by Antoine Du Ry in Lyon

Leges Longobardum.
[Lyon]: [pr. by J. Mareschal, for A. Du Ry and S. Vincent], [1512?].
8°: aa–xx⁸.
Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal for Antoine Du Ry and Simon Vincent.
[View full record]1608/1182.
5505.a.21 (imperfect)
7 November 1516
Burgundy. Coutumes.
Les coustumes du pays de Bourgongne redigees par escript.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Luduni [sic] per Petrum Baleti. [Colophon:] Imprimees a Lyon par Anthoine du ry pour Piere ballet. Et furent acheuees Lan .M.ccccc. & .xvj. le .vij. iour de Nouembre [1516].
4°: a–d⁸ e⁴.
Printed in Lyon by Antoine Du Ry for Pierre Ballet.
[View full record]706.a.17.
Monaldus, de Iustinopoli, -1285.
Summa perutilis atque aurea venerabilis viri fratris: Monaldi in vtroque iure.
[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni per Petrum Baleti [pr. by A. Du Ry?], [c. 1516].
8°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–L⁸.
Printed in Lyon for Pierre Ballet, possibly printed with the typographical material of Antoine Du Ry.
[View full record]5107.b.25.
24 December 1517
La Pape, Guy de, approximately 1402-approximately 1487.
Lectura singularis & aurea domini Guidonis pape ... super Decretales.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum luguduni [sic] impensis Symonis vincentij arte & industria Anthonij du ry. Sub anno millesimo quingentesimo decimoseptimo. Nono kalendas Ianuarias [1517].
4°: A a–z &⁸.
Printed in Lyon by Antoine Du Ry for Simon Vincent.
[View full record]C.127.dd.16.
23 May 1518
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.
Epistole Ouidii cum commento.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimooctauo. decimo kalendas Iunij Anthonius du Ry imprimebat, [1518].
4°: A⁴ a–o⁸ p⁴ q⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Antoine Du Ry for Simon Vincent.
[View full record]C.69.g.1.
September 1519
Turrecremata, Joannes de.
Ioan. de turre cremata super toto Decreto.
[Lyon]: [Colophon vol. 1:] Lugduni apud Ioannem de Ionuelle dictum Piston mense Septembri: Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimonono. [Colophon vol. 2:] Lugduni Ioannes de Ionuelle dictus Piston, mense Decembri Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimonono imprimebat [1519].
2°: a–z A–N⁸ O–P⁶; AA–ZZ AA2–CC2⁸ DD2–EE2⁶.
Printed in Lyon by Jean de Jonvelle For Antoine Du Ry and Simon Vincent.
[View full record]

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